Anodised Individual

Unlike painted or galvanically generated protective or decorative coatings, anodising does not apply a layer of foreign material to the surface of the component, but creates the layer by transforming the existing base material of the component. The workpiece is anodically treated in a suitable acid electrolyte and the process transforms the aluminium surface to aluminium oxide, which is semi-transparent and microporous in this condition. The resulting 15-25-µm layer consists of capillary-like pores. The pore structure has a particularly good capacity to absorb fluids. This effect is exploited to individually colour the anodised surfaces and the pores are filled with suitable dyes. After dyeing, the pores are closed by means of a chemical reaction that transforms the aluminium oxide to aluminium hydroxide. The anodised layer formed by this process is very hard and wear-resistant.  Anodised layers do not have a smoothing effect in themselves, but various visual appearances can be achieved by means of chemical and/or mechanical methods of pre-treatment, such as honing, brushing, polishing or glass bead blasting. 

Further anodising processes

  1. A wide range of colours and special colours, including transparent and black
  2. Unsaturated colours or colour mixtures, e.g. red-blue mixtures, are also possible
  3. Highly decorative surfaces from matt to glossy
  4. Defined gloss levels are possible
  5. Colouring, appearance and haptics can be reproduced
  6. Wear- and scratch-resistant aluminium oxide layer with hardness from 250-500 HV
  7. UV-resistant, depending on the shade
  8. Non-toxic
  9. Very high temperature stability
  10. High electrical insulation effect
  11. Damage- and distortion-free workpieces, thanks to elaborate handling and a specially developed quality- and colour-testing system.

BMW 90010


Normen, nach denen wir mit Eloxal Individual aufbringen (u.a.)

PN 11011 Kennzeichnung W


DIN 17611


Leica-Norm, Basisblatt für Oberflächen


Norm CZN 2202-3


Bosch 67 F 367 02


  • Automotive (interiors)
  • Consumer goods (e.g. domestic appliances, headphones)
  • Two-wheelers
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Electrical industry
  • The optical goods industry
  • Microscopy, dimensional metrology, light barriers
  • The jewellery industry
  • The glass industry
  • Laser technology
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